Meeting Minutes
APRIL 2022 Minutes
There was no formal meeting during the month of April, but members are doing service projects such as putting up a new mailbox for a veteran and food delivery.
MARCH 2022 Minutes
There was no meeting due to the fact that there was no business to discuss and many members stated they would not be able to attend.
FEBRUARY 2022 Minutes
Help For Veterans, Inc. met on February 24th at the Dillon American Legion Hut. Thirteen members were present.
The invocation was given by Terry Morris. Lloyd Brown led the Pledge of Allegiance.
The welcome was given by Johnnie Daniels. He recognized new members, Mr. and Mrs. Kenny Daniels.
The treasurer’s report was given by Cathorine Price. It was noted that it had been an expensive month.
The minutes were read by John Harlow. Upon a motion by Lloyd Brown and a second by Levern Hayes, the minutes were approved as read.
Johnnie Daniels reported that 29 veterans and their family members were helped during the month of February. They also attempted to help a veteran whose home was destroyed by fire. He was given towels, wash cloths, blankets, toothpaste, toothbrushes, staple goods, food, etc.
Also it was noted that during the month of December, the group partnered with East Dillon Baptist Church members to help 15 families.
John Harlow made a motion to contribute $50 to the Main Street United Methodist Men who will build a ramp for a veteran who needs one after Harlow reached out to them. This was seconded by Jim Chavis. The vote was unanimous.
The next health fair is planned for Thursday, October 20, 2022. The group agreed to serve chicken bog, green beans, and cole slaw.
The group also followed up with the discussion of providing $25 to guest speakers.
The group was reminded to visit and promote the website. John Harlow noted that the minutes on the website need to be updated. They were also reminded to visit and promote the Facebook page.
A list of vegetables to bring each month was distributed. (List attached.)
The American Legion was thanked for the use of the building.
The meeting was adjourned.
JANUARY 2022 Minutes
President Johnnie Daniels opened the meeting with prayer.
12 members present gave the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Catherine Price gave the Treasurer's report.
Minutes were read from November meeting by Craig Brown. Minutes were approved as read by members present.
Health Fair date is set for October 20, 2022.
Members present voted on officers.
Johnnie Daniels elected President, John Harlow, Vice-President, Catherine Price, Treasurer, and Craig Brown-Secretary.
Member John Harlow made motion that nominations be closed and elected officers stand as voted for.
The motion was seconded and approved.
President Daniels and American Legion member Lloyd Brown advised the Help for Veterans could continue to use the Legion Building for its meetings.
Members voted to donate $300 to the Dillon American Legion Chapter.
President Daniels ask members to call veterans and ask them if they needed help in food delivery.
Member John Harlow spoke on Veteran Memorial Park being built in Lake View.
A motion was made and approved to give a $75 donation to the project that will have the Help for Veterans Logo on it.
President Daniels stated the next meeting will be on February 24 at 7pm.
A motion was made and approved by members to buy 5 Gideon Bibles in memory to any passing member or their immediate family.
A motion was made and approved to adjourn the meeting.
Minutes from the July 2021, September 2021, November 2021, and December 2021 meetings do not appear due to a computer error.
Help for Veterans Meeting Minutes
October 2021
No meeting minutes due to health fair
Help for Veterans Meeting Minutes
August 17, 2021
Chairman Johnnie Daniels opens the meeting with prayer.
Eleven (11) members present.
Members gave the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Members began meeting by discussing the Health Fair on October 19, 2021.
Time will be Tuesday October 19 from 11:30 a.m. until 1:30 p.m. at the City of Dillon Wellness Center.
Member Barbara Causey presented thoughts and opinions on insurance.
Chairman Daniels discussed the recent food-give-away and thanked all of those who helped.
Decided to pass on preparing a meal this year at the Fair due to COVID.
Three members: John Harlow, Levern Hayes, and Craig brown will serve on a committee to decide if applying veterans needs are best served by Help for Veterans.
Chairman Daniels thanked Harbor Freight for their assistance in food distribution.
Chairman Daniels informed members about local businesses that have contributed to Help for Veterans.
Members discussed limits on food to be given away at the Health Fair.
A request for cost of insurance for venders at the Fair.
Chairman Daniels stated he would keep members updated on any changes to the Fair.
Chairman Daniels stated the Vice President Gerald Berry had resigned due to other commitments.
It was noted that no raffle would be held this year.
There will be door prizes at the Fair.
There will be a limited number of $5.00 gift cards at the Fair.
Some food vouchers will be given that can be picked up at the Dillon Herald.
Next meeting to be held on September 16, 2021 at 7 p.m. at the American Legion.
A motion was made and seconded to adjourn the meeting.
JUNE 17, 2021
Help For Veterans, Inc. held their first meeting since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic on Thursday, June 17, 2021 at the American Legion Hut, located at 2014 Highway 9 East in Dillon.
Johnnie Daniels, president, gave the invocation and welcome.
Terry Morris led the pledge of allegiance.
Johnnie Daniels said this would be a very informal meeting. He reported on the activities of 2020-2021. He said not a month went by when the veterans on their list did not receive a food box from Help For Veterans or their partners. He recognized Harbor Freight Tools, Hamer Church of God, and the Northeastern Rural Health Initiative (through the Dillon County Health Initiative) as good partners. He said Harbor Freight Tools had been a very good partner. He recognized Terry Morris as a good, dependable volunteer.
Daniels said that a master list of the veterans who need food and those who no longer need food had been compiled.
Daniels reported that The Dillon Herald was currently having a food drive for Help For Veterans that is going well. Items are being collected at The Dillon Herald, Shuler’s BBQ, and other locations including two churches.
Daniels reported that the health fair was tentatively set for October 21 from 11:00 a.m.-1:30 p.m. He said they will need as many volunteers as they can get. The members need to decide whether or not they want to serve a chicken bog that day. An email was sent to vendors earlier that day to determine their interest. Three positive responses had been received at the time of the meeting.
Daniels asked if they want to do a raffle to coincide with the health fair as a fundraiser. The 2019 raffle was very successful with over 1800 tickets sold. There was no response initially from the members. James Leslie said they should do it. Lonnie Daniels said they need to consider that the virus is still going on.
Daniels said he is disappointed when he does not get a response from the members. He said that he sent out a text in April with no response.
Daniels passed out information about resources for veterans who may need assistance with utilities or other issues such as insurance, etc. Daniels also passed out a proposed form to give to people who potentially need help financially.
Daniels reported that the group was financially stable, but that they had assisted several veterans with funds during the past year.
Daniels asked if there were others who wished to say anything that pertained to the meeting. James Leslie said he would like for the group to approach the City of Dillon about donating a day at the Wellness Center for veterans to exercise free of charge. Nell Vincent told Daniels that they applaud him for what he does and said he was the organization. Daniels said he did not intend to imply that he did everything and that he did not wish to offend anyone, but he would like more participation and response from the group. Daniels said he wished that they could get younger people to join the group. Lloyd Brown said he had spoken to a 38-year-old who intends to be at the next meeting.
James Leslie also noted that the Long Term Recovery Group has moved to their new warehouse. Daniels said that the Long Term Recovery Group has been a good partner. They donated many items including masks, hand sanitizers, food trays, and other items that are being given to veterans.
Lloyd Brown stated that the health fair was good and had been a benefit to the American Legion. He said they were able to make contact through the health fair with people, especially women, who are trying to help out a friend or neighbor who is a veteran. He said while they are not always able to help directly they make referrals of where these individuals may find help.
Levern Hayes said they should form a committee to review the financial aid forms and to make a recommendation of whether funds will be received by the applicant. This will be discussed again at the next meeting.
After all discussion was concluded, the meeting was adjourned.
DUE TO COVID-19, THERE HAVE BEEN NO MEETINGS SINCE JANUARY 2020. MINUTES WILL BE POSTED WHEN MEETINGS RESUME. However, we have still been active in giving out food boxes and other essentials to our veterans throughout 2020 and early 2021. If you know of a veteran in need, please e-mail with their name, address, and phone number. WE ONLY SERVE VETERANS WHO LIVE IN DILLON COUNTY, SOUTH CAROLINA.
February 2020
Meeting canceled due to weather--No minutes
Minutes from January 2020
Chairman Johnnie Daniels opened the meeting with prayer.
Ten members present gave the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag.
Cathorine Price gave the Treasurer's report.A motion was made seconded and approved to accept the Treasurer's report.
Secretary Craig Brown read the minutes from the November 2019 meeting. A motion was made seconded and approved to accept the minutes from the November meeting.
Chairman Daniels gave favorable comments on Harbor Freight's assistance in delivering food packages at Thanksgiving and Christmas. Chairman Daniels stated that 35 veterans received food packages.
The 2020 Health Fair is set for October 15.
Members discussed giving a gift card to guest speakers at future meetings. A motion was made seconded and approved to give a $25 gift card to all future guest speakers.
Chairman Daniels reported that the Dillon County Help for Veterans will participate with the Palmetto Leadership Administrative Professionals Day in April. The date set for the event is April 22nd or 29th. A motion was made seconded and approved to assist the Palmetto Leadership Administration Professional Day.
The next canned vegetable will be cut green beans.
The next scheduled meeting will be February 20th.
A motion was made seconded and approved to adjourn the meeting.
Minutes from November 21, 2019
Chairman Johnnie Daniels opened the meeting with prayer.
Ten members gave the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Two other members showed up later in meeting.
Member James Leslie introduced the guest speaker, Col. Wayne Jackson USAF retired.
Col. Jackson and James Leslie serve in the volunteer Honor Guard.
In the beginning the Honor Guard for Veterans did 60 funerals, and this year they served in 230 funerals.
Col. Jackson spoke on Tri-Care that was designed to help retired veterans.
Col. Jackson also spoke briefly on his military career.
Mildred Mishue gave the Treasurer's report as of November 15, 2019.
A motion was made, seconded, and approved to accept the Treasurer's report.
Craig Brown read the minutes from the September 19, 2019 meeting.
A motion was made, seconded, and approved to accept the September minutes as read.
A motion was made, seconded, and approved to keep Johnnie Daniels as Chairman, Gerald Berry as Vice-President, Cathorine Price
as Treasurer, and Craig Brown as Secretary.
Chairman Daniels talked about Harbor Freight's donation and assistance in delivering Thanksgiving meals to veterans.
A motion was made by Nell Vincent to discontinue refreshments at meetings. The motion was seconded and a majority of members present voted to cease refreshments.
A motion was made, seconded, and approved to continue meetings at the American Legion on Highway Nine.
Chairman Daniels stated that the next meeting will be on January 16, and the vegetable of the month will be blackeyed peas.
Chairman Daniels thanked the American Legion for the use of their building.
A motion was made, seconded, and approved to adjourn the meeting.
Help For Veterans, Inc. Minutes for October 2019 Meeting
No Meeting due to health fair event
Help For Veterans, Inc. Minutes for September 2019 Meeting
Chairman Johnnie Daniels called the meeting to order. He opened with prayer.
Nine members present gave the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Treasurer Cathorine Price gave the financial report.
A motion was made, seconded, and approved to accept the treasurer's report.
Secretary Craig Brown read the minutes from the August, 2019 meeting.
A motion was made, seconded, and approved to accept the minutes as read.
Chairman Daniels discussed the third annual health fair and door prizes and stated that 36 venders had now signed up.
A motion was made, seconded, and approved to buy door prizes unless donations were made.
A motion was made, seconded, and approved to accept stationary design.
Discussed using van out of Florence for transporting veterans.
Chairman Daniels thanked Cathorine Price and Mildred Mishue for providing deserts and refreshments for meeting.
Chairman Daniels thanked the American Legion for the use of their building.
Chairman Daniels advised the next meeting will be on November 21, 2019.
Members discussed giving out 15 Thanksgiving and 15 Christmas veteran packages.
A motion was made, seconded, and approved for the Thanksgiving and Christmas care packages.
A motion was made, seconded, and approved to adjourn the meeting.
Help For Veterans, Inc. Minutes for August 2019 Meeting
Chairman Johnnie Daniels called the meeting to order with prayer.
14 members present gave the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Treasure Cathorine price gave the financial report.
$11,303.33 in account'
A motion was made seconded and approved to accept the Treasures report.
Secretary Craig Brown read the minutes from the July meeting.
A motion was made seconded and approved to accept the minutes from the July meeting.
Chairman Daniels discussed ticket sales'
Chairman Daniels and members discussed the October Health Fair.
Member James Leslie advised he would get the speaker for the November meeting.
Chairman Daniels advised the September meeting will be on Thursday the 19th.
September vegetable will be canned yams.
Chairman Daniels ask if the Help for Veterans would be interested in sending a care package for the deployed veterans.
A motion was made seconded and approved to send a Christmas care package to the Dillon unit deployed.
Member Barbara Causey wanted to check on dependents of deployed soldiers and see if they needed help.
Chairman Daniels thanked Julie and Lonnie Daniels for the refreshments.
Chairman Daniels thanked the American Legion for the use of their building.
A motion was made seconded and approved to adjourn the meeting.
Help For Veterans, Inc. Minutes for July 2019 Meeting
Chairman Johnnie Daniels called the meeting to order with prayer.
Thirteen members present gave the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Chairman Daniels introduced the guest speaker Andrew Jordan, Regional Director for Senator Tim Scott.
Mr.Jordan stated he was from Chesterfield but now lives in Charleston and has worked for Senator Scott for six years.
Mr.Jordan and Senator Scott served together on the Charleston County Council.
Andrew stated that his family has a long history of military service and thanked all Vietnam Veterans.
Mr. Jordan stated that he and the Senator have known each other for over 20 years and added that the Senator grew up poor but later took the advice from a Chic-fil-A operator and turned his life around changing from a poor student to an A+ student and continued to excel in college. Senator Scott did not set out to be a politician but fate placed him in the right place at the right time and he has since never lost an election.
Treasurer Cathorine Price gave the financial report.
A motion was made, seconded, and approved to accept the Treasurer's report.
Secretary Craig Brown read the minutes from the June 20th meeting.
A motion was made, seconded, and approved to accept the minutes from the June 20th meeting.
Chairman Daniels discussed the stationary design.
Members Barbara Causey and Lloyd Brown gave some input on the design.
Chairman Daniels stated that 40 plus requests have been made for tables for the October Health Fair.
Chairman Daniels stated that member Nell Vincent sent him some information about veterans receiving help from donations.
V.A. Representative Valerie Graves said she was contacted by a person needing help.
No new update on van to transport veterans to hospitals.
Next meeting the vegetables to be donated will be canned turnips.
Chairman Daniels thanked Mildred Mishue and Cathorine Price for the refreshments and the American Legion for the use of their building.
A motion was made, seconded, and approved to adjourn the meeting.
Help For Veterans, Inc. Minutes for June 2019 Meeting
Chairman Johnnie Daniels opened the June 20th meeting with prayer.
10 members present gave the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Cathorine Price gave the Treasurer's report.
A motion was made, seconded, and approved to accept the Treasurer's report.
Craig Brown read the minutes from the May 16th meeting.
A motion was made and seconded to correct minutes to read that the October Health Fair will be on the 18th and not the 17th.
A motion was made, seconded, and approved to accept the minutes as corrected.
Give-away tickets were distributed.
Discussion of stationary design put off until the July meeting.
A motion was made to purchase four additional food bags for veterans.
A motion was made, seconded, and approved to buy four additional food bags with an $80.00 limit set on the cost.
Chairman Daniels stated the next meeting will be on Thursday, July 18th, at 7:00 p.m. at the American Legion Hut at 2014 Hwy. 9 East, Dillon, S.C. Guest speaker will be Andrew D. (A. D) Jordan, Regional Director for Senator Tim Scott.
Chairman Daniels thanked Barbara Causey for providing the refreshments for the meeting and the American Legion for the use of their building.
A motion was made, seconded, and approved to adjourn the meeting.
Help For Veterans, Inc. Minutes for May 2019 Meeting
Chairman Johnnie Daniels opened the meeting with prayer. Sixteen members present gave the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Cathorine Price gave the treasurer's report.
A motion was made, seconded,and approved to accept the Treasurer's report.
Craig Brown read the minutes from the April meeting. A motion was made, seconded, and approved to accept the April meeting minutes.
Chairman Daniels remarked about a church that donated food. Four Dillon Police officers and six DHS football players unloaded the food. Member Mildred Mishue stated that the food needed to be distributed.
Chairman Daniels stated there were veterans who needed help with their utilities. Members Lloyd Brown and James Leslie stated that they would meet with a veteran that was in need of help with his utilities. Members agreed with what members Leslie and Brown offered to do and a motion was made, seconded, and approved on the matter.
Chairman Daniels stated that the food drive was doing well.
Chairman Daniels ask members if they wanted a month off. Members replied "no" on taking a month off.
A discussion on new stationery design to be taken up in June meeting.
Chairman Daniels stated that the June meeting would be on the 20th.
Members discussed the van issue to transport veterans. Kenny Smith stated he would talk with County Administrator Clyburn about help with a van.
Chairman Daniels discussed issue of guest speakers.
Chairman Daniels stated that give-away tickets were ready.
Chairman Daniels discussed the October 17 Health Fair. 11:30 a.m. until 1 p.m.
Member James Leslie stated that Pruitt Home Health Care wanted to be added to the list. Members discussed adding funeral homes to the list. Members discussed having living wills added to the Health Fair list.
Member Kenny Smith requested that members bring any needy veteran over 62 to his attention.
Chairman Daniels thanked Levern Hayes for providing refreshments for the meeting.
Members ask to bring canned potatoes to the June meeting.
Member Nell Vincent talked about trained dogs assisting disabled vets and other programs that were available.
A motion was made, seconded, and approved to adjourn.
Help For Veterans, Inc. Minutes for April 2019 Meeting
Chairman Johnnie Daniels opened the meeting with prayer.
Thirteen members gave the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
Treasurer Cathorine Price gave the financial report .
A motion was made, seconded and approved to accept the treasurer's report.
Craig Brown read the minutes from the March 21 meeting.
A motion was made, seconded and approved to accept the March 21 minutes.
Chairman Daniels stated the next meeting will be on May 16 at 7 p.m. at the American Legion Building.
Member Lloyd Brown stated that the American Legion will have a flag retiring service on April 28 at 3:30 p.m. at the VFW hut.
Chairman Daniels thanked Lloyd and Linda Brown for providing refreshments for the meeting and thanked the American Legion for the use of their building.
Members discussed veterans that have passed away and having them honored on Memorial Day.
A motion was made seconded and approved to adjourn the meeting.
Help for Veterans, Inc. Minutes for March 21, 2019 Meeting
Chairman Johnnie Daniels opened the meeting with prayer.
15 members present gave the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Cathorine Price gave the Treasurer's report.
A motion was made, seconded, and approved to accept the treasurer's report.
Craig Brown read the minutes from the February 21, 2019 meeting.
A motion was made, seconded, and approved to accept the February 21 meeting minutes.
Chairman Daniels stated that the Dillon Historic School Foundation will be selling B-B-Q tickets and if any member of the Help for Veterans sells any tickets one dollar for each ticket will be donated to the Help for the Veterans.
Members discussed the give-away and current patrons for the October Health Fair.
Members discussed the van to transport veterans to health clinics and hospitals, and why we still don’t have a van.
Member Alicia Berry stated that Senator Lindsay Graham would be in Myrtle Beach on March 30 and might be able to assist with help for a van.
Chairman Daniels stated that there would be a guest speaker for the April meeting.
Chairman Daniels thanked Terry Morris for refreshments, Mildred Mishue for coffee, and the American Legion for the use of their building.
Mildred Mishue inquired about what food was to be served at the Health Fair.
Members agreed on a Pork Bog.
A motion was made, seconded, and approved to adjourn the meeting.
Chairman Johnnie Daniels called the meeting to order and gave the prayer.
17 members present gave the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Chairman Daniels introduced the guest speaker, Mr. Kenneth Smith. Mr. Smith is with the Disaster Preparedness Program-Long Term Recovery. Kenneth stated that the Long Term Recovery Program was started in Dillon County in 2016. Kenneth reported that several citizens of Dillon County were getting assistance from the program and that many were in serious need of assistance. Kenneth was born in New Jersey but moved to Dillon in 1980 and attended school here. Kenneth talked about his life in Dillon and was proud of his family and education experience but was most proud of his relationship with Christ. Kenneth started his military experience with the National Guard and later joined the U.S. Navy and served with the U.S. Marines in the medical field. Kenneth gave details about his military experience and his work with long term recovery. Chairman Daniels thanked Kenneth Smith for taking time from his busy schedule to be our guest speaker.
Treasurer Cathorine Price reported on bills paid and the current amount of money in the bank.
A motion was made, seconded, and approved to accept the treasurer’s report.
Craig Brown read the minutes from the January 17, 2019 meeting. A motion was made seconded and approved to accept the January 17 meeting minutes.
Vice-chairman Gerald Berry asked if members were willing to assist the Dillon Historical Society in the sales of BBQ tickets with proceeds to assist both organizations. Guest speaker Kenneth Smith made a donation. A motion was made, seconded, and approved to discuss the sale of tickets two weeks from the night’s meeting.
Chairman Daniels acknowledged Abbott Shelley in attendance at the meeting.
Nine patrons have signed up for the fall Health Fair.
No new news on a van for transporting veterans.
Member Nell Vincent made comments about a program that was training dogs to assist disabled veterans.
Chairman Daniels stated that the next meeting will be March 21, 2019 at 7 p.m. Members are asked to bring cans of cut green beans.
Chairman Daniels thanked Lonnie and Julie Daniels for providing refreshments for the meeting and thanked the American Legion for the use of their building.
A motion was made seconded and approved to adjourn the meeting.
Chairman Johnnie Daniels opened the meeting with prayer.
Thirteen members present gave the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Treasurer Cathorine Price presented our bank account status.
A motion was made, seconded, and approved to accept the treasurer's report.
Secretary Craig Brown read the minutes from the November 15, 2018 meeting.
A motion was made, seconded, and approved to accept the November 15, 2018 minutes.
A motion was made, seconded, and approved to continue offering an 870 Remington Express Shotgun, TV, Gas Grill, or cash equivalent as grand prize at the October Health Fair.
Tickets will continue to sell for $2, and 1500 will be printed.
A motion was made, seconded, and approved to pay for the cost of 1500 raffle tickets to be printed.
Chairman Johnnie Daniels asked member Barbara Causey to give an update on the Health Fair.
Chairman Daniels thanked Barbara Causey for her efforts on the Health Fair.
Old business was discussed.
February 21 guest speaker will be Kenneth Smith.
Members discussed Thanksgiving and Christmas gift packages to veterans in the county. Vice- Chairman Gerald Berry asked if there were Veterans in Lake View in need. Chairman Daniels ask members to contact Help for Veterans if they knew any Dillon County Veteran in need of help.
Chairman Daniels stated that gifts of canned goods could be brought to him at anytime of the year.
Member Cathorine Price asked that canned corn be brought to the next meeting.
Chairman Daniels thanked members Cathorine Price and Mildred Mishue for providing refreshments for the meeting.
Chairman Daniels thanked the American Legion for the use of their building.
At the request of member Nell Vincent members voted on and approved to add driveway reflectors to the driveway entrance at the Legion Hut.
Member Levern Hayes commented that he was at a veteran's funeral and there was no honor guard present.
Member Mildred Mishue stated that members of the Dillon County National Guard would be leaving for Kuwait for one year.
A motion was mad, seconded, and approved to adjourn the meeting.
Chairman Johnnie Daniels opened the meeting with prayer.
Members advised that Nell Vincent would not be at meeting due to hip replacement surgery.
13 members present gave the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Treasurer Cathorine Price advised on the amount in the bank account.
A motion was made, seconded and approved to accept the Treasurer’s report.
Secretary Craig Brown read the minutes from the September 25 meeting.
A motion was made, seconded and approved to accept the minutes from September 25, 2018.
Chairman Daniels gave a report on the success of the October Health Fair, Chairman Daniels advised that the 2019 Health Fair is scheduled for October 17.
Thanksgiving food baskets would be delivered on Monday and Tuesday November 21 and 22.
Chairman Daniels advised that website dues are due before January 2019.
A motion was made seconded and approved to continue the website.
A motion was made, seconded and approved to renew domain.
A motion was made, seconded and approved to pay P.O. box rent.
A motion was made, seconded and approved to give the American Legion for the use of their building.
Chairman Daniels stated that an add in The Dillon Herald would appear thanking all patrons that assisted in the Health Fair and Help the Veterans.
Chairman Daniels requested four names of needy veterans for Thanksgiving food baskets.
Officers for 2018/2019 voted on. Johnnie Daniels elected chairman, Gerald Berry elected vice chairman, Cathorine Price elected treasurer and Craig Brown elected secretary.
Chairman Daniels thanked Lonnie and Julie Daniels for providing refreshments for the November meeting.
Chairman Daniels stated the next meeting would be January 17, 2019.
A motion was made, seconded and approved to adjourn the meeting.
October 2018 Minutes
No meeting-Health Fair
September 2018 Minutes
Help For Veterans, Inc. held a meeting on Tuesday, September 25, at 7:00 p.m. at the American Legion Hut at 2014 Hwy. 9 East, Dillon.
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Johnnie Daniels who opened with prayer and welcomed everyone for being there.
Ten members were present and gave the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag led by Terry Morris.
Cathorine Price gave the treasurer's report. A motion was made, seconded, and approved to accept the treasurer's report.
Cathorine Price read the minutes from the August meeting. A motion was made, seconded, and approved to accept the minutes as read.
Discussion was held pertaining to assisting a veteran with his electricity bill. After discussion the matter was tabled in order to obtain more information.
Discussion was held pertaining to obtaining food boxes for our veterans to be presented to them at the annual Health Fair to be held on Thursday, October 18, from 11 a.m. until 2 p.m. at the City of Dillon Wellness Center.
There was discussion about having someone welcome and process the veterans who come to the Health Fair that we may keep accurate records. Barbara Causey volunteered for this position.
The group was to contact Veteran Affairs Officer Valerie Graves for perhaps obtaining a list of our veterans.
An update was given on ticket sales. October 11th was the date decided upon to turn in the tickets.
The schools will be contacted to assist in placing tables and chairs in the area for the Health Fair.
Members were requested to assist at the Health Fair.
After discussion, it was decided that no carry-out plates of food will be allowed during the Health Fair.
Alicia and Jerry Berry donated 5 door prizes for the Health Fair.
Lonnie Daniels, Jr. also had picked up a donation for the Health Fair.
There was a brief discussion about a guest speaker for our November meeting. No action was taken.
Members were asked about our website and Facebook.
Before adjourning, Alicia and Jerry Berry were thanked for providing refreshments and beverages for the meeting.
Thanks were given to the American Legion for allowing Help For Veterans, Inc. to meet there.
Motion, second, and voted for adjournment
August 2018 Minutes
Chairman Johnnie Daniels called the meeting to order with prayer.
13 member present gave the pledge of allegiance to the Flag.
Cathorine Price gave the treasurer’s report of $4489.64 in the bank.
A motion was made, seconded, and approved to accept the treasurer’s report.
Secretary Craig Brown read the minutes from the July meeting.
A motion was made, seconded and approved to accept the minutes as read.
Mildred Mishue gave an update on contributions for the October Health Fair.
Neighbors Helping Neighbors will be making a contribution instead of preparing a pork bog.
Members discussed a drawing to raise additional funds giving away a choice of a TV, 870 Remington Express Shotgun, or a gas grill.
Food to be served at the Health Fair, will be chicken bog, slaw, cake, and soft drinks.
A motion was made, seconded and approved to have the drawing.
Chairman Daniels stated the next scheduled meeting will be on September 20 at 7 p.m..
Member James Leslie will be at the Golden Corral in Florence on August 22 for a D.A.V. meeting.
Blue Star Memorial to be presented by the Yellow Jessamine Garden Club. Barbara Causey to sing the National Anthem and guest speaker, Sgt. Terry Morris.
Chairman Daniels thanked Cathorine Price and Mildred Mishue for the refreshments for the August meeting.
A motion was made, seconded and approved to adjourn the meeting.
July 2018
Chairman Johnnie Daniels opened the meeting with prayer.
12 members gave the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Chairman Daniels ask Barbara Causey to introduce guest speaker, Don Luehrs, for the July meeting.
Don Luehrs is a former TV personality who now works for Hospice Care of South Carolina.
Don stated that the Dillon office is located on North 8th Ave.
Don spoke on how Hospice works and how they reach persons in need.
Don said that Hospice was a blessing to his father in the last eight months of his life.
Don also brought a guest with him, Danny Pearce, who serves a chaplain with Hospice and lives in Hartsville.
Danny is a U.S. Army veteran and works with veterans who make up a large part of Hospice care.
Don concluded his informative talk by adding who was eligible for Hospice.
Chairman Daniels thanked Don and Danny for attending the meeting with their informative information on Hospice.
Treasurer Cathorine Price stated that $4489.64 was in the account.
A motion was made, seconded, and approved to accept the treasurer's report.
Secretary Craig Brown read the minutes from the June 21st meeting.
A motion was made, seconded, and approved to accept the minutes from the June meeting.
It was reported that the pork bog fund raiser may be called off and a cash contribution made instead.
Chairman Daniels gave an update on the Health Fair and the many donations made and offered for door prizes.
Valerie Graves gave an update on van drivers and a vehicle being donated for use in transporting veterans to the Veteran's Hospitals and Clinics.
Valerie stated that at least 30 persons had volunteered to drive the van.
Chairman Daniels thanked Valerie for providing desserts and drinks and thanked the American Legion for the use of their building.
A motion was made, seconded, and approved to adjourn the meeting.
The next meeting is scheduled for August 16th, 2018 at 7 p.m.
June 2018
Chairman Johnnie Daniels called the meeting to order and opened with prayer.
19 members present gave the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Treasurer Cathorine Price stated that $4489.64 was in the account.
A motion was made, seconded, and approved to accept the treasurer's report.
Secretary Craig Brown read the minutes from the May 17 meeting.
A motion was made, seconded, and approved to accept the May 17 meeting minutes.
Member James Leslie provided desserts and drinks for the meeting.
Chairman Daniels welcomed guest speaker, Roger Church, to the meeting.
Mr. Church told of his experiences in Viet Nam.
Roger added that he was in an artillery unit and due to his service experience he was now classified as 100% disabled.
Roger stated that he still suffers from some mental stress due to the war.
Chairman Daniels gave an update on the Health Fair.
Members discussed postponing the pork bog fundraiser from October until November.
November 2nd was discussed as possible date for the pork bog.
Chairman Daniels stated that Don Luehrs will be July's guest speaker.
Chairman Daniels stated that the next scheduled meeting would be July 19.
Chairman Daniels thanked the American Legion for the use of their building.
A motion was made,seconded, and approved to adjourn the meeting.
Chairman Johnnie Daniels called meeting to order and opened with prayer.
Fourteen members present gave the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
Valerie Graves introduced special guest for monthly meeting, Mr. Cliff McBride.
Treasurer Cathorine Price stated that $4484.64 was in the bank.
A motion was made, seconded and approved to accept the treasurer’s report.
Secretary. Craig Brown read the minutes from the April meeting.
A motion was made, seconded and approved to accept the secretary's report.
Chairman Daniels gave a report on the upcoming heath fair and included a list of companies and persons contributing door prizes.
Tom Rowland of Neighbors Helping Neighbors stated that he would ask the organization about possibly putting on a chicken bog to assist. Members ask if a pork bog could be cooked in place of a chicken bog. Mr. Rowland stated that what would be cooked would be up to the Help for Veterans. Members voted to have a pork bog in November if Mr. Rowland could get it approved.
Cathorine Price stated that local entertainer, Jackie Lockamy, Jr. would provide the entertainment for the October Health Fair from 10 a.m. until 11 a.m.
Valerie Graves stated that a vehicle had been donated and that she had a long list of volunteer drivers. City Councilman, Johnnie Eller stated that he had left the van for transporting veterans to health clinics and hospitals to Valerie Graves and Rep. Jackie Hayes's hands and the issue was moving in the right direction.
Guest, Cliff McBride gave out brochures giving information about legal aid for veterans and spoke briefly about the help legal aid was providing.
Chairman Daniels thanked Valerie Graves for providing desserts for the April meeting.
Chairman Daniels stated that the Woodmen of the World and Edwin Stephens had been very generous with donations to the Help for Veterans.
A motion was made, seconded and approved by all present to adjourn the meeting.
APRIL 2018
Chairman Johnnie Daniels opened the meeting with prayer and welcomed all members and guests to the meeting.
15 members present gave the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Member James Leslie introduced guest speake,r Al Agnew.
Al Agnew was the last prisoner of war released from the Hanoi Hilton prison camp in Viet Nam.
Agnew, a retired Navy Commander, was a fighter jet pilot during the war flying from the USS Enterprise CVN 65. An equipment failure resulted in Agnew getting blind-sided by a SAM Missile. Parachuting to earth but not safely, Agnew was greeted by several farmers who commenced to beat him severely. Agnew was rescued by North Viet Nam Militia and taken into custody. Agnew was blindfolded for two days and subjected to mental torture. For the next several months in prison Agnew was sustained on a diet of cabbage soup losing about 20 percent of his body weight. Commander Agnew did not complain about his ordeal as many POW’s were there for years and many suffered physical abuse as well as mental.
Many men and women served during the Viet Nam War. All gave some and some like Commander Agnew gave a lot and some gave all with over 58,000 deaths with veterans still passing away from Agent Orange and other mental and physical stresses due to that war.
Due to the heart-warming presentation given by Commander Agnew much of the month’s normal business had to be cut short.
Treasurer Cathorine Price reported that $4184.64 was in the bank as of April 10.
A motion was made, seconded, and approved to accept the treasurer’s report.
Craig Brown read the minutes from the March meeting.
A motion was made, seconded, and approved to accept the minutes.
City Councilman Johnny Eller stated that he has been in constant contact with State Representative Jackie Hayes and that Representative Hayes is going all out to help get a van to transport veterans to and from VA Hospitals and Clinics.
Desserts and coffee were provided by Mildred Mishue and Catohrine Price.
Chairman Daniels stated that the next scheduled meeting would be May 17, 2018.
A motion to adjourn was made, seconded, and approved by all present.
March 15, 2018
Chairman Johnnie Daniels opened the meeting with prayer.
Thirteen members present gave the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Member James Leslie stated that a bell was needed for a special service for Veterans at the National Cemetery.
Chairman Daniels stated the Dillon County VA Office had a bell that it might release for the event.
Members Lloyd Brown and Levern Hayes stated that they would contact the VA Office about the use of the bell.
Treasurer Cathorine Price stated that $3,314.04 was in the account but the bank stated that $3484.84 was in the bank as some deductions were yet to be made.
A motion was made, seconded and approve by members present to accept the treasurer’s report.
Secretary Craig Brown read the minutes from the February 15 meeting.
A motion was made, seconded, and all present approved the minutes from February 15.
A brief recess was given to members for refreshments consisting of German Chocolate cupcakes and coffee.
Chairman Daniels stated that the Dillon Wellness Center would be open for the Health Fair on October18 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Chairman Daniels added that entertainer James Stephens was willing to provide his service provided that it did not interfere with his schedule.
A motion was made, seconded, and approved by all present to have James Stephens provide entertainment between 10 a.m. and 11 a.m. if his schedule allowed.
Members discussed a special prize to be given away at the Health Fair. Items brought forth included a TV, a gun, or a weekend at the beach.
The cost of a motel room at the beach would be looked into and discussed at the next meeting.
Members discussed door prizes and seeking local merchants for donations.
Chairman Daniels stated that van drivers to transport veterans to the hospitals would not be available until we get a van or SUV.
Chairman Daniels stated that State Representative Jackie Hayes was working to get us a van.
Member and City Councilman Johnny Eller stated that he had also contacted State Senator Kent Williams on the van issue.
Chairman Daniels thanked Nell Vincent and Mildred Mishue for the desserts and coffee for this meeting.
Mr. Al Agnew is scheduled to be the guest speaker for the April 19 meeting.
A motion was made, seconded, and approved to adjourn the meeting.
February 15, 2018
The monthly meeting for February 15, 2018, was called to order by Chairman Johnnie Daniels.
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Lloyd Brown.
Chairman Johnnie Daniels welcomed 14 members who were present.
Refreshments were served by Mildred Mishue.
The treasurer's report was presented and was accepted.
The secretary's report of the January 25, 2018 was presented and was accepted.
A presentation of $200.00 from the Pee Dee Log Rollers by Woodmen Life Dillon Chapter was made to the Help for Veterans, Inc.
A report on the upcoming Health Fair for October 18, 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. to be held at the City of Dillon Wellness Center was given and discussed.
A motion was made by Lloyd Brown, second by Levern Hayes, and approved by all.
Discussion on TV and Gun giveaway.
Door prizes for the annual Health Fair was discussed. It was agreed to ask for donations to help our veterans.
Brief discussion on drivers for veterans.
Everyone was encouraged to promote our website at Also, promote our Facebook page at
Thanked Mildred Mishue for preparing beverages and dessert.
Next monthly meeting to be Thursday, March 15, at 7:00 p.m.
Meeting was adjourned.
January 25, 2018
Chairman Johnnie Daniels opened with prayer.
Mildred Mishue and 10 members gave Pledge of Allegiance. (Two more members arrived later).
The Treasurer's report was given by Cathorine Price.
A motion was made and seconded by all to accept the report as given.
Chairman Johnnie Daniels asked about the 2018 Health Fair being on Thursday or Saturday this year. This was discussed and voted to wait until next meeting to set date.
Treasurer Cathorine Price presented a check for $250.00 to Levern Hayes for the use of the American Legion Hall.
Chairman Daniels informed the group that there was a possibility of a grant and wanted to know if the Help For Veterans, Inc. could help the American Legion Hall by helping to insulate the building. Lloyd Brown of the American Legion stated that the Hall could really use some new energy-efficient windows at this time.
Members discussed the possibility of homeless vets in Dillon County.
Dillon County Veterans Affairs Director Valerie Graves informed the group of a veteran who was in need with his electricity bill. This was discussed, and the group contributed $50.00 to the cause.
Chairman Daniels inquired as to whether the group wanted to continue the website, After a very brief discussion a motion was and made, seconded, and voted unanimously to keep same. A check was written to pay for same.
Next on the agenda was that the post office box rent was due. After discussing the group approved payment for one year for $62.00.
Johnny Eller suggested that the group make an effort to get a van to get our veterans to their doctor appointments. This was discussed and will be brought up at the next meeting.
The group also discussed drivers.
Chairman Daniels thanked Lonnie and Julie Daniels for the refreshments and Mildred Mishue for the coffee.
The next Help For Veterans, Inc. meeting will be held Thursday, February 15, 2018.
A motion was made, seconded, and approved by all to adjourn the meeting.
2017 Minutes
Help for Veterans, Inc. Minutes
July 20, 2017
Chairman Johnnie Daniels called the meeting to order and gave prayer
Ten members present and gave the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Chairman Daniels gave updates on the Health Fair scheduled for October 19.
Chairman Daniels stated that grants had been applied from Subway, Wal-Mart, Walgreens, Sears, and the Henry Schein Cares Foundation.
Minutes from June 15 read and approved.
Treasurer’s report made stating that $2356.30 is in the bank account.
Chairman Daniels stated that Health Fair Day would be advertised in The Dillon Herald and with flyers.
Chairman Daniels stated that Dillon Internal Medicine, three Chiropractors, eye doctors, dentists, and McLeod Hospital has been invited.
Chairman Daniels again reminded members that October 19 was the date for the fair and please advise others.
Chairman Daniels reported that the A-Tech Center could not provide haircuts and like services.
Chairman Daniels reported that City Councilman Johnny Eller was working hard to get assistance from the City of Dillon.
Chairman Daniels thanked the American Legion for the use of their facilities.
Members voted to pay the P.O. Box rent for six months at a cost of $31.00
The motion was carried.
Members discussed volunteers and drivers for the van.
Next meeting scheduled for August 17.
Motion made and seconded to adjourn the meeting. All present approved.
Help for Veterans, Inc. Minutes
June 15, 2017
Chairman Johnnie Daniels opened the meeting with prayer
Ten members were present.
Members gave pledge of allegiance to the flag.
Chairman Daniels noted newly appointed Dillon County Veterans Affairs Director, Valerie Graves.
Valerie Graves gave an update on getting a van to transport the veterans.
Lloyd Brown and James Leslie inquired about the use of the van and where it would be kept.
Director Graves stated the van would be stored in Dillon, but reports of its use had to be made to the VA.
Ms. Graves gave a report of the use of the van and about VA medical appointments.
Ms. Graves reported that a person of good reputation had a 13-room home, and it was open for its use to the veterans.
Dillon City Councilman, Johnny Eller inquired of Ms. Graves about the VA van located in Marion County.
Ms. Graves responded stating that persons that could get transportation to Marion were allowed use of the van to the VA Hospitals.
Minutes from the May 18 meeting were read followed by a motion and a second to except the minutes. The minutes were approved.
Treasurer's report made stating $2356.30 in the bank.
Chairman Daniels discussed a need for volunteers to assist with Health Fair Day to be held on or near Veterans Day.
Chairman Daniels stated that he would e-mail members about when a date could be set and about getting some grants to assist.
Doris Gleason, who works with the Horry County Veterans, stated that they do not receive grants but work through contributions for their health screenings.
Ms. Gleason stated that volunteer nurses and dental techs usually do the work and if needed refer the patients to other medical centers.
Chairman Daniels stated that a health day for veterans might better be scheduled for sometime in Mid-October on or near the 19th.
Mildred Mishue was thanked for providing soft drinks and desserts for the meeting.
James Leslie stated that he was looking into Armed Services Radio to provide us with a future speaker.
Doris Gleason informed Mildred Mishue that a meal should be provided for the health day adding that simple hot dogs and hamburgers would be okay.
Members discussed how they might obtain food donations for the event.
Ms. Gleason added that she would contact the goodwill in Florence to assistance.
A motion was made and seconded to adjourn the meeting with all present in approval. The next scheduled meeting is for July 20, 2017.
Help For Veterans, Inc. Minutes
May 18, 2017
Chairman Johnnie Daniels opened the meeting with prayer.
14 persons/members present gave the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Minutes from April 20, 2017 meeting read and approved.
Treasurer's report made. $3331.76 in bank.
Chairman Daniels ask for volunteers to give out socks, underwear and bathing articles at a prepared booth for the Memorial Day event at Veterans Square on the 29th of May. Several members agreed to assists.
Valerie Graves stated she would be present to identify legitimate veterans.
Chairman Daniels ask if there was any old business to be discussed.
No old business was reported.
Chairman Daniels ask if there was any new business.
Barbara Causey and Valerie Graves discussed the issuance of the underwear, socks and bath items to be distributed.
Barbara Causey and Valerie Graves brought up the idea to have a free health screening day for the veterans.
James Leslie discussed the use of a van to transport sick veterans to hospitals and clinics. Dillon City Councilman, Johnny Eller, is working on ways to get drivers for the van.
Councilman Eller said he was looking into the possibility of using city and county employees to drive the van.
Councilman Eller inquired to the VA office about the possibility of getting a new van.
James Leslie, Dillon Red Cross, stated that there was single room air conditioners available from J.C. Penney.
The floor was opened to members to discuss personal ideas to assist the Dillon County Veterans which lead to persons present presenting thoughts to one another for several minutes.
James Leslie reported that the Palmetto Recovery Group will be checking homes for damage received during Hurricane Mathew.
Councilman Eller stated that this Memorial Day celebration should be the best ever.
Chaiman Daniels thanked Mildred Mishue and Cathorine Price for providing the meeting with hot coffee and delicious cake.
A motion was made, seconded and approved to adjourn the meeting. The June meeting will be held on the 15th at Legion Hall at 7 p.m.
Help For Veterans, Inc. Minutes
April 20, 2017
Chairman Johnnie Daniels opened the HELP FOR VETERANS, INC. meeting welcoming all in attendance.
Chairman Daniels thanked Lloyd Brown and members of the Dillon Branch of the American Legion for the use of the Legion Hall for the meeting.
Seventeen persons/members present for the meeting.
Chairman Daniels gave a prayer to begin the meeting.
Members said the Pledge of Allegiance.
Mildred Mishue and Cathorine Price were recognized and thanked for providing guests with coffee and chocolate éclair cake.
Chairman Daniels introduced the guest speaker, Mrs. Doris Gleason, of Pawley’s Island. Mrs. Gleason is Director of Community Outreach for AARP.
Mrs. Gleason opened by stating that she had a The 20th special place in her heart for veterans. She has received AARP’S National McKoy Award for her work with veterans. Mrs. Gleason talked about how veterans are being assisted in Horry County. Mrs. Gleason reported that 175 homeless veterans received help in Horry County last year. Mrs. Gleason added that shoes, socks, and underwear were needed items for homeless veterans. Mrs. Gleason stated that women veterans are now showing up with children in need for assistance.
Member Lloyd Brown ask Mrs. Gleason about the ages of the veterans her organization is assisting in Horry County. Mrs. Gleason replied that most were Vietnam-Era veterans.
Mrs. Gleason recognized City Councilman Johnny Eller and said hoped that he and other councilmen would get involved.
Councilman Eller asked Dillon County Veterans Affairs Officer, Jerry Huggins, if there were homeless veterans in Dillon County. Huggins replied that four to five a month ask for assistance, and they are referred to E.C.H.O.
Various members ask Mrs. Gleason about what type of assistance is available to her organization. Mrs. Gleason stated that private donations accounted for most of the assistance. Lloyd Brown advised Mrs. Gleason about Home Depot’s assistance and contributions.
Chairman Daniels thanked Mrs. Gleason for taking time out of her busy schedule to attend the meeting and for her very informative information.
The minutes from the March meeting were read and approved.
The treasurer’s report was made and approved.
Jerry Huggins stated that providing transportation to and from VA clinics and hospitals as a priority, but the van was taken away due to a lack of van drivers.
Councilman Eller stated that the city and county might be able to offer some assistance and that he would do his part by bringing the matter before both councils to see if they could assist in this issue regarding a van and a driver.
Huggins reported that as of last month two persons had contacted his office about being a volunteer driver.
Huggins stated that the Veterans Affairs Office required volunteer drivers to also provide a copy of personal liability insurance. Councilman Eller stated that an employed driver might be the best option in this matter.
Member Barbara Causey inquired about the possibility of having an information booth at the upcoming annual City of Dillon “Celebrate Main Street” event to better inform the public about the organization. Chairman Daniels said he would consider this idea.
Chairman Daniels ask that if anyone had any questions or ideas to help to please contact him.
There was one correction made to the March minutes about the tickets the American Legion were offering. It was reported that one ticket gave the holder 12 chances to win a high quality firearm.
That should be corrected to an incredible 52 chances to win. Anyone interested in this offer should contact Lloyd Brown or any member of the Dillon Branch of the American Legion.
Chairman Daniels stated the next meeting will be on May 18 at 7 p.m. at the American Legion Hall, 2014 Hwy. 9 East, Dillon.
A motion was made and seconded to adjourn the meeting.
Help For Veterans, Inc. Minutes
March 16, 2017
Chairman Johnnie Daniels opened the meeting welcoming all in attendance.
Fourteen persons were present.
Coffee and cake were prepared for guest by Mildred Mishue and Cathorine Price.
Chairman Daniels gave prayer for the meeting.
Members present gave Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Minutes from February meeting read and approved.
Chairman Daniels gave information on the organizations website.
Member James Leslie stated that The Dillon County American Red Cross office located at 400 E. Jackson Street could be used for meetings if the Legion Hall is not available.
Lloyd Brown addressed the meeting by offering membership to the American Legion to those present that met the qualifications.
Lloyd also spoke of current fundraising by the American Legion to raise funds by selling $25.00 tickets for a monthly chance to win a quality firearm. (12 chances for one ticket)
Discussion about 148 homeless veterans living in Horry County was taken up by members.
This number could not be confirmed by anyone present at the meeting.
Steve Boileau gave information about his success with a pizza fundraiser.
The meetings guest speaker, Doris J. Gleason was unable to make the meeting.
Chairman Daniels advised that he hoped she could make the April Meeting as she could advise on how the organization could advance to help the area veterans.
Lloyd Brown advised that the Home Depot has been very charitable to veteran organizations.
Member James Leslie advised about assistance from the Long Term Recovery Group.
Member and head of the Dillon County Veterans Jerry Huggins stated that there was a big need for drivers to help transport veterans to the veteran’s hospitals and back.
The need for a van to be used for transportation was discussed.
Knowledgeable members present made it clear that the organization was not going to be able to help solve all area veteran problems.
Chairman Daniels advised the next scheduled meeting would be on April 20 at 7 p.m.
A motion was made and seconded to adjourn the meeting.